Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Reflection: Socratic Seminars

Hello readers!

Throughout the semester, our class has been doing a number of discussions called Socratic seminars.  I had never heard of them until this class and I think they are awesome, actually.  You're probably asking, "What is that?"

A Socratic seminar is a way of holding a polite, thoughtful discussion of a topic.  Our topics have ranged from whether or not YA literature is too dark to articles we read about the field of YA literature.  The class is divided into two groups.  Group 1 forms an inside circle around a few table, facing one another for discussion.  Group 2 forms a circle around Group 1 and observes quietly while the inside group discusses the topic of choice.  Every member of the inside circle gets a chance to speak, offering text references, questions, and counter points.  Then, after the allotted period of time has passed, the outside group offers feedback on the discussion and switches places to become the inside group.

What I like about this form of discussion is that everyone's opinion is heard.  There is no dominant speaker, but a multitude of speakers.  The conversations stay polite and no one gets trampled.  The other nice thing is that because you are only facing the people you're talking to (instead of facing the outside circle), it creates a safe space to voice ideas.

Each seminar so far has gotten better, I think.  As a class, we're learning each other's thought processes as well as our own.  I like this as a teaching tool for my own classroom because I think I can use it to build community and safe space in my classes.

If this sounds interesting to anyone reading this, I found a really helpful website that explains not only what the seminar is but how it functions and how to utilize it.  You can find the site here. :)


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